Get Team Callbacks
Get the success/failure callbacks and variables for a team
- team_id (str, required): The unique identifier for the team
Example curl:
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:4000/team/dbe2f686-a686-4896-864a-4c3924458709/callback' -H 'Authorization: Bearer sk-1234'
This will return the callback settings for the team with id dbe2f686-a686-4896-864a-4c3924458709
Returns { "status": "success", "data": { "team_id": team_id, "success_callbacks": team_callback_settings_obj.success_callback, "failure_callbacks": team_callback_settings_obj.failure_callback, "callback_vars": team_callback_settings_obj.callback_vars, }, }
Successful Response
Add Team Callbacks
Add a success/failure callback to a team
Use this if if you want different teams to have different success/failure callbacks
- callback_name (Literal["langfuse", "langsmith", "gcs"], required): The name of the callback to add
- callback_type (Literal["success", "failure", "success_and_failure"], required): The type of callback to add. One of:
- "success": Callback for successful LLM calls
- "failure": Callback for failed LLM calls
- "success_and_failure": Callback for both successful and failed LLM calls
- callback_vars (StandardCallbackDynamicParams, required): A dictionary of variables to pass to the callback
- langfuse_public_key: The public key for the Langfuse callback
- langfuse_secret_key: The secret key for the Langfuse callback
- langfuse_secret: The secret for the Langfuse callback
- langfuse_host: The host for the Langfuse callback
- gcs_bucket_name: The name of the GCS bucket
- gcs_path_service_account: The path to the GCS service account
- langsmith_api_key: The API key for the Langsmith callback
- langsmith_project: The project for the Langsmith callback
- langsmith_base_url: The base URL for the Langsmith callback
Example curl:
curl -X POST 'http:/localhost:4000/team/dbe2f686-a686-4896-864a-4c3924458709/callback' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer sk-1234' -d '{
"callback_name": "langfuse",
"callback_type": "success",
"callback_vars": {"langfuse_public_key": "pk-lf-xxxx1", "langfuse_secret_key": "sk-xxxxx"}
This means for the team where team_id = dbe2f686-a686-4896-864a-4c3924458709, all LLM calls will be logged to langfuse using the public key pk-lf-xxxx1 and the secret key sk-xxxxx
Successful Response