Update an existing API key's parameters.
- key: str - The key to update
- key_alias: Optional[str] - User-friendly key alias
- user_id: Optional[str] - User ID associated with key
- team_id: Optional[str] - Team ID associated with key
- budget_id: Optional[str] - The budget id associated with the key. Created by calling
- models: Optional[list] - Model_name's a user is allowed to call
- tags: Optional[List[str]] - Tags for organizing keys (Enterprise only)
- enforced_params: Optional[List[str]] - List of enforced params for the key (Enterprise only). Docs
- spend: Optional[float] - Amount spent by key
- max_budget: Optional[float] - Max budget for key
- model_max_budget: Optional[Dict[str, BudgetConfig]] - Model-specific budgets {"gpt-4": {"budget_limit": 0.0005, "time_period": "30d"}}
- budget_duration: Optional[str] - Budget reset period ("30d", "1h", etc.)
- soft_budget: Optional[float] - [TODO] Soft budget limit (warning vs. hard stop). Will trigger a slack alert when this soft budget is reached.
- max_parallel_requests: Optional[int] - Rate limit for parallel requests
- metadata: Optional[dict] - Metadata for key. Example {"team": "core-infra", "app": "app2"}
- tpm_limit: Optional[int] - Tokens per minute limit
- rpm_limit: Optional[int] - Requests per minute limit
- model_rpm_limit: Optional[dict] - Model-specific RPM limits {"gpt-4": 100, "claude-v1": 200}
- model_tpm_limit: Optional[dict] - Model-specific TPM limits {"gpt-4": 100000, "claude-v1": 200000}
- allowed_cache_controls: Optional[list] - List of allowed cache control values
- duration: Optional[str] - Key validity duration ("30d", "1h", etc.)
- permissions: Optional[dict] - Key-specific permissions
- send_invite_email: Optional[bool] - Send invite email to user_id
- guardrails: Optional[List[str]] - List of active guardrails for the key
- blocked: Optional[bool] - Whether the key is blocked
- aliases: Optional[dict] - Model aliases for the key - Docs
- config: Optional[dict] - [DEPRECATED PARAM] Key-specific config.
- temp_budget_increase: Optional[float] - Temporary budget increase for the key (Enterprise only).
- temp_budget_expiry: Optional[str] - Expiry time for the temporary budget increase (Enterprise only).
curl --location '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer sk-1234' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{
"key": "sk-1234",
"key_alias": "my-key",
"user_id": "user-1234",
"team_id": "team-1234",
"max_budget": 100,
"metadata": {"any_key": "any-val"},